Version History --------------- 3.3.8 - fix modification of Elastic IP address for Median VE stacks in multi-zone HA deployments in AWS - improve validation for advanced config parameters during stack creation - improve docker deployment mode for Mediant VE and CE (for internal use; requires SBC version or - workaround for wrongly ordered interface names on Ubuntu / Debian hosts for Mediant VE / CE stacks deployed in Azure using docker deployment mode - fix HA configuration for dockerized Mediant VE deployments in Azure - simplified names for 'docker_host_os' advanced config parameter: - debian, ubuntu, rhel, rocky, amazon - fix configuration of default route when eth0 lacks public IP 3.3.7 - fix 'rebuild' operation for Mediant VE and CE stacks in Azure when credentials were changed to "invalid" ones - e.g. Admin/Admin - via 'reset password' operation - fix 'rebuild' operation for Mediant VE stacks in Azure when rebuilt VM is missing - fix 'sbc_tags' advanced config parameter for Mediant VE stacks in Azure - mask passwords in logs for 'create' operation in Azure - fix duplicate ports on stack creation for Mediant VE and CE stacks in Azure - make search element in 'stacks' page search on all displayed elements 3.3.6 - prevent removal of non-mutable advanced config parameters in 'modify' operation - show Network Load Balancer FQDN in 'show IP addresses' output for Mediant VE and CE applications in AWS - improve number of IP addresses verification when NLB is used - improve 'restore SBC configuration' output 3.3.5 - fix crash when creating Mediant CE stack in AWS with predefined elastic IPs introduced in version 3.3.2 - fix 'rebuild' operation for Mediant VE and CE stacks in AWS that use 'ha_nlb' advanced config parameter - new 'summary_format' global configuration parameter; when it is set to 'verbose' subscription_id and comments are included in stacks summary screen and 'list' CLI command output - 'rebuild' operation for Mediant VE and CE applications uses configuration package (if supported by current SBC version) to backup/restore SBC configuration; this ensures preservation of TLS context data (private keys and certificates) and auxiliary files (e.g. PRT file) during these operations; if for some reason this new behavior doesn't work correctly in your setup, disable it via new 'use_config_package' global configuration parameter - improve docker flavor check to handle changes in base OS version - send activity logs as journal events to OVOC 3.3.4 - support modification of 'availability_zones' advanced config parameter for Mediant VE and CE stacks in Azure - VMs are rebuilt during 'update' operation, but IP addresses and configuration are preserved - fix 'modify' operation that deletes all advanced config parameters 3.3.3 - workaround for slow response from cloud storage APIs - e.g. Azure Storage Account - that may trigger "disconnect" alarm on OVOC - always use local stack descriptors for OVOC APIs - local descriptors should normally be in synch with remote descriptors; but if for some reason they are not - use 'stack_mgr sync-local-desc' CLI command to sync them - produce detailed logs if slow response from cloud storage APIs is detected - fix configuration of frontend SBC for 'all-in-one' Voice.AI Connect application - improve Voca application: - new 'lock' operation prevents calls from being routed to 'scaled-out' components and may be used to perform maintenance tasks - e.g. software upgrade - new 'unlock' operation restores normal component operation - 'stop' / 'start' operations support starting / stopping individual components (if corresponding global configuration parameter is set to 'enable') 3.3.2 - fix selection of 7.40A.500.012 version during Mediant VE / CE stacks creation - improve reliability of Mediant VE and CE deployment in AWS for multi-zone deployment topology (earlier versions sometimes failed to properly populate AwsElasticIPs and AwsVirtualIPs configuration tables) - new advanced config parameter for Mediant VE and CE applications in AWS disables creation of virtual IP addresses for multi-zone deployments: virtual_ips = disable - experimental support for new "IP failover" mechanism for multi-zone deployment topology in AWS for Mediant VE and CE applications: - utilizes Network Load Balancer (NLB) - controlled via new advanced config parameter 'ha_nlb': - ha_nlb = internal - internal NLB is used instead of Virtual IP addresses - ha_nlb = public - public NLB is used instead of Elastic IP addresses - ha_nlb = all - internal / public NLBs are used instead of both Virtual and Elastic IP addresses - ha_nlb = oam - applicable to Mediant VE only; internal NLB is used instead of Virtual IP addresses but only for management traffic - requires the following permission to be included in the IAM role assigned to the Stack Manager: elasticloadbalancing:* - if you receive the following error during stack creation: "User is not authorized to perform iam:CreateServiceLinkedRole on resource arn:aws:iam:::role/aws-service-role/" create corresponding service linked role via AWS CLI: aws iam create-service-linked-role --aws-service-name or add the following to the IAM role assigned to the Stack Manager: { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "iam:CreateServiceLinkedRole", "Resource": "arn:aws:iam::*:role/aws-service-role/*", "Condition": {"StringLike": {"iam:AWSServiceName": ""}} } - note that Network Load Balancer uses DNS Name (FQDN) as its frontend address; therefore equipment that communicates via it must support use of FQDN and be able to failover betweeen resolved IP addresses relatively quickly; keep in mind that only management and signaling traffic pass via the NLB - in addition to the above, IP Groups that communicate via the Network Load Balancer must have 'Local Hostname' parameter (in 'Advanced' section) set to NLB FQDN; this places NLB FQDN in SIP Contact header and ensures that all subsequent SIP dialogs (e.g. reINVITE or BYE) flow via the NLB - IPv6 addresses are implemented by configuring public NLB to work in 'dualstack' mode; in this configuration NLB's frontend DNS name is resolved into both A (IPv4) and AAAA (IPv6) records; network addresses on SBC instances remain IPv4 - known limitation: 'dualstack' NLB doesn't support UDP rules, therefore IPv6 deployments will need to use SIP over TCP/TLS - when NLB is used Mediant VE application is configured to perform relatch of media streams after the activity switchover via reINVITEs (ReinviteAfterHA = 1) except for the 'ha_nlb = oam' mode - Network Load Balancer and Target Groups are assigned with "meaningful" names by default; if this creates any issues use the following advanced config parameter to disable this naming: ha_nlb_names = disable - fix 'Show IP Addresses' for shelved Mediant VE and CE stacks in Google Cloud - new 'sbc_import' CLI commands performs import of stacks created by other Stack Manager instance; it is intended to be used in emergency cases when the original stack manager instance was accidentally destroyed and no backup is available - the command currently supports ONLY high-available Mediant VE stacks in Azure environment - IPv6 addresses are currently not supported - the following advanced config parameters are currently not supported: disk_encryption_set, public_ip_prefix - fix tun_ws_client behavior on server disconnect 3.3.1 - fix auto-heal interval implementation - include AWS / Azure instance metadata in debug file - new Voca application in Azure: - cluster of manually created / provisioned SIP servers that reside behind the frontend SBC (Mediant VE or CE) - IP Group Set on the frontend SBC is used to distribute incoming traffic across Voca cluster components - Voca component / cluster utilization is measured by polling IP Group KPIs on frontend SBC - scale-in / scale-out / automatic scaling - the following advanced config parameters are supported: - frontend_ip_group_set_name frontend_sip_interface_name frontend_media_realm_name frontend_ip_profile_name define names of configuration objects on frontend SBC that represent Voca cluster default: voca - frontend_transport_type defines transport type for SIP traffic sent from frontend SBC to Voca cluster; supported values: udp, tcp, tls default: udp - frontend_ip_group_set_config frontend_ip_group_config frontend_proxy_set_config additional configuration (in CLI script syntax) for configuration objects on frontend SBC; use '\n' to specify multiple parameters - disabled by default; create /opt/stack_mgr/custom/voca.enable file to enable it 3.3.0 - improve reliability of Remote Media Interfaces table configuration during 'update' operation for Mediant CE - new 'remote_interfaces = refresh' advanced config parameter for Mediant CE performs refresh of Remote Media Interfaces table during 'update' operation - new 'update_needed = reset' advanced config parameter for Mediant VE and CE applications resets 'update needed' flag without applying any changes 3.2.9 - prevent debug file creation from getting stuck on invalid file system - do not wait for Mediant CE to become fully functional during auto-heal operation 3.2.8 - fix Stack Manager installation on RHEL 9 and derivatives - fix automatic healing when it's configured for less than 5 min intervals - add support for 'dual' Voice.AI connect versions (two session manager processes running on the same SM instance) - add validation while provisioning IPv6 addresses for Mediant VE and CE in Azure that we do not change version of existing addresses (because Azure doesn't allow such change) - improve docker deployment mode for Mediant VE and CE (for internal use; requires SBC version or - add support for standalone Mediant VE in AWS - change 'docker_host_os' default: - Azure: debian12 - AWS: al2023 (Amazon Linux 2023) - due to better support of multiple NICs - add support for arm64 docker images - 'docker_host_os' now supports '-arm' suffix - e.g. 'debian12-arm' - if '-arm' suffix is not specified, it will be automatically added - 'instance_type' is automatically converted to Dpds_v5 on Azure or m6g on AWS - major code refactor and clean-up - use latest RHEL images (8.9 and 9.3) available in marketplace 3.2.7 - delete main subnet from Event Hub during stack update / delete if no other VMs are connected to it - support FQDN address for OVOC remote managers 3.2.6 - include OVOC Websocket tunnel service in main Stack Manager distribution - configuration file : /etc/tun_ws_client.conf log file : /var/log/tun_ws_client.log service name : tun_ws_client - service is disabled by default; to enable it: - change "hostname", "username" and "password" parameters in configuration file - if OVOC has valid TLS certificate, download it into /etc/ssl/ovoc.pem (as per instructions in configuration file) and uncomment "cert_file" parameter - start tun_ws_client service via "sudo systemctl start tun_ws_client" - configure service to run on boot via "sudo systemctl enable tun_ws_client" - create /etc/ssl/nginx symlink in RHEL-derived distributions - allow underscore in stack name 3.2.5 - support deployment of stacks into different subscriptions in Azure environment - applies to all supported applications - improve Web UI's "create stack" dialog behavior when region / vnet are changed in the middle of the dialog - show CPU utilization and calls for standalone Voice.AI Connect stacks - support for Azure Event Hub configuration (for managed services) for Mediant VE, Mediant CE and Voice.AI Connect applications in Azure - creates Event Hub service endpoint in main subnet and provisions main subnet in Event Hub namespace's network rule set - requires Event Hub configuration file that specifies supported Event Hub IDs and corresponding resources / credentials; the file must be uploaded via 'admin' page - use the following advanced config parameter to specify Event Hub ID during stack creation or via modify / update sequence: event_hub = EMEA - you may also (optionally) specify Deployment ID and Secret: deployment_id = customer|site|deployment deployment_secret = 12345678-1111-2222-3333-123456789abc 3.2.4 - fix cleanup of /tmp directory on implicit stack purge - improve backup of stack descriptors in /tmp directory - improve docker deployment mode for Mediant VE and CE in Azure (for internal use; requires SBC version or - image and docker-compose files can be provided during stack creation / upgrade - support multiple IP addresses on the same network interface - support HA deployment topology for Mediant VE - support download of Debug File via Web UI - refer to Debug File section in Configuration screen - use source IP range instead of source tags for HA / cluster firewall rules in Google Cloud to ensure their correct operation - new obfuscation algorithm for sensitive data (passwords) in stack descriptors: - uses AES256 cipher - uses universal encryption key by default - can be configured to use installation-specific encryption key: stack_mgr obfuscate-key --generate - generate new key stack_mgr obfuscate-key --show - show current key stack_mgr obfuscate-key --set - set key to specific value - installation-specific obfuscation key is stored in /opt/stack_mgr/data/obfuscate.txt file and is properly treated by backup / restore scripts - /opt/stack_mgr/ and /opt/stack_mgr/; however it is excluded from debug files created via /opt/stack_mgr/ script - new installations default to 'universal-key' obfuscation algorithm - upgraded systems stay with 'simple' obfuscation algorithm - to simplify downgrade - obfuscation algorithm can be deduced from obfuscated data prefix: $1$ - simple algorithm $2$ - AES256 cipher with universal key $3$ - AES256 cipher with installation-specific key - IMPORTANT NOTES: - change / use of incorrect installation-specific obfuscation key will invalidate sensitive data (passwords) in stack descriptors and will prevent Stack Manager from connecting to the deployed stacks; if you accidentally enter this state 'obfuscate' alarm will be raised on all affected stacks; use 'More > Update Connectivity' and 'More > Reset Password' to re-configure passwords in your stacks - if you are working with 'universal-key' or 'custom-key' algorithms and then downgrade to pre-3.2.4 version, a similar problem will happen because old versions can't read data obfuscated via new algorithms; this issue can be mitigated as follows: - replace /opt/stack_mgr/bin/ script with script from the latest Stack Manager version - this will enable old versions to read data obfuscated via new algorithms - use "sudo /opt/stack_mgr/ --version=X.Y.Z" command to perform the downgrade - it will automatically apply the above described patch - added ECDSA signature to stack manager distributable ( - signature is automatically verified during software update (via CLI or Web UI) - if you manually download file you can verify it as follows: wget wget /opt/stack_mgr/bin/ check - new global configuration parameter 'Update Protocol' configures transport protocol used by software update (via CLI or Web UI) - 'HTTP or HTTPS' (default) or 'HTTPS only' - add 'Restart=always' configuration to systemd services - cleanup auto-upgrade URLs after failed upgrade operation for Mediant VE, Mediant CE and Voice.AI Connect applications 3.2.3 - fix communication with SBC that is configured to request client certificate - fix parameter types in 'Modify' dialog - update default nginx configuration (for new installations) - allow only TLS 1.2 and 1.3 and enforce secure ciphers - improve 'upgrade' operation for Voice.AI Connect application - use 'configuration center' name instead of 'configuration manager' for 'center' component in Voice.AI Connect application - use red color for alarms 3.2.2 - fix regression in 'update' operation for Mediant CE application in Azure introduced in version 3.1.5 - after media components profile change 'idle' media components remained in 'media components' table (in locked state) 3.2.1 - new 'sbc_tags' advanced config parameter for Mediant VE application in Azure defines _additional_ tags that will be assigned to virtual machines, e.g.: sbc_tags = duration=overnight - support modification of 'tags' / 'sbc_tags' / 'sc_tags' / 'mc_tags' advanced config parameters for Mediant VE and CE applications in Azure via 'update' action - new 'sm_disk_size' advanced config parameter for Voice.AI Connect application in AWS; modification requires 'rebuild' - similar to 'center_disk_size' - new 'center_disk_size' and 'sm_disk_size' advanced config parameters for Voice.AI Connect application in Azure; modification requires 'rebuild' - change default 'center' disk size for Voice.AI Connect in Azure to 64 GB 3.2.0 - new 'tags' advanced config parameter for Voice.AI Connect application in Azure defines tags that will be assigned to all created resources, e.g.: tags = Owner=JoeD,Department=R&D 'center_tags', 'sm_tags' and 'sbc_tags' advanced config parameters define _additional_ tags that will be assigned to corresponding virtual machines - fix crash during Voice.AI Connect application creation in Azure introduced in version 3.1.8 - fix IMDSv2 configuration in AWS (configure PUT response hop limit as 2) - fix configuration of 'max_pps_limit' for Mediant CE application in AWS 3.1.9 - improve 'unshelve' and 'rebuild' operations for Mediant CE application when media component addresses get swapped - fix use of AWS credentials after Voice.AI Connect application upgrade 3.1.8 - new 'tags' advanced config parameter for Mediant CE application in Azure defines tags that will be assigned to all created resources, e.g.: tags = Owner=JoeD,Department=R&D 'sc_tags' and 'mc_tags' advanced config parameters define _additional_ tags that will be assigned to SC and MC virtual machines correspondingly - change behavior of 'tags' advanced config parameter for Mediant VE application in Azure - it used to be applied to virtual machines only and now is applied to _all_ created resources 3.1.7 - new experimental support for IPv6 for Mediant VE and CE in Azure and AWS (requires SBC version 7.40A.500.570 or later that will be officially released by the end of Q4/23) the following new advanced config parameters are supported: ipv6_ips = main,additional1 - for Mediant VE sc_ipv6_ips = main - for Mediant CE signaling components mc_ipv6_ips = additional1 - for Mediant CE media components syntax: comma-separated list of subnets (main/additionalX) or interface names (ethX); indicates which subnets should be assigned with IPv6 addresses; in AWS: IPv6 addresses are _new_ type of addresses that are globally routable; you specify them via 'ipv6_ips' parameter and they are assigned _in addition_ to IPv4 addresses specified via 'public_ips' and 'additional_ips' parameters; if interface is connected to subnet that has both IPv4 and IPv6 address ranges, primary address will be IPv4, and IPv6 will be assigned as secondary address with 'ethX:100' name; if interface is connected to IPv6-only subnet - i.e. subnet that lacks IPv4 address range - only IPv6 addresses will be assigned with regular names; pre-defined IPv6 addresses may be specified via 'ipv6_ip_*' advanced config parameters: ipv6_ip_sbc-X_ethX = fd00::a0dc:1 - for Mediant VE ipv6_ip_sc-X_ethX = fd00::a0dc:2 - for Mediant CE signaling components ipv6_ip_mc-X_ethX = fd00::a0dc:3 - for Mediant CE media components in Azure: IPv6 is a _property_ of normal 'internal' and 'public' addresses; therefore 'ip6_ips' parameter does _not_ add new addresses, but changes the type of those that are specified via 'public_ips' or 'additional_ips' parameters; primary addresses can not be IPv6 - therefore 'ip6_ips' parameter by default configures IPv6 on "1st secondary" (second) IP address; for example, the following creates two public addresses - IPv4 and IPv6 - on Mediant VE's interface connected to 'additional1' subnet: public_ips = additional1:2 ipv6_ips = additional1 you may specify secondary address index (1="1st secondary", 2="2nd secondary", etc) to configure IPv6 on a different secondary address; for example the following configures IPv6 on "2nd secondary" (third) IP address of Mediant CE' signaling component's interface connected to 'additional1' subnet: sc_public_ips = additional1 sc_additional_ips = additional1:2 sc_ipv6_ips = additional1:2 pre-defined IPv6 addresses may be specified via 'private_ip_*' and 'public_ip_*' advanced config parameters limitations: - management is always done via IPv4 addresses - only one IPv6 address may be specified per interface - for Mediant VE HA in Azure IPv6 address must be the last address on specific interface and "paired" address is not created for it; you should use the same IPv6 address for both signaling and media streams and configure port-based NAT translation rules - for multi-zone AWS deployments 'virtual IPs' are disabled by default for IPv6 addresses, because they work only within the subnet and therefore have very limited application; resort to DNS-based methods for traffic distribution across two different IPv6 addresses of HA instances; if you want to experiment with virtual IPv6 addresses, use the following advanced config parameters: ipv6_virtual_ips = enable virtual_ip_ethX = # default is fd00::a0dc:1 if you need both IPv4 and IPv6 virtual IPs on the same interface, specify them as comma-separated string, e.g.: virtual_ip_ethX =,fd00::a0dc:1 - old IPv6 configuration (for docker-based Mediant VE and CE in Azure) is automatically converted to the new syntax - fix migration of 'spot_instances' parameter for Voice.AI Connect application - fix 'frontend_transport_type' parameter for Voice.AI Connect application - fix 'rebuild' action for 'center' component for Voice.AI Connect application versions 3.14.001 and later - improve 'modify' action validation 3.1.6 - reboot media components after 'fast' network reconfiguration of Mediant CE in Azure environment - graceful 'update' operation for Mediant CE in Azure updates / rebuilds / resizes all idle media components simultaneously 3.1.5 - fix public IP removal on network reconfiguration for Mediant VE and CE in Azure - fix 'update idle MCs' operation for Mediant CE - improve 'waiting until media components are ready' step for Mediant CE - fix NAT Translation table on MCs after 'fast' network reconfiguration of Mediant CE in Azure environment 3.1.4 - improve detection of failed 'start' operation in Azure environment - improve robustness of 'update' operation for Mediant VE and CE applications in Azure - support hitless downgrade for Mediant VE and CE applications - improve Web UI refresh after operation completion 3.1.3 - additional improvements for 'update' operation for Mediant VE and CE applications in Azure - workaround for race condition in SBC code that may prevent CLI scripts from loading when multiple managers are configuring SBC at the same time 3.1.2 - improve speed and reliability of 'update' operation for Mediant VE and CE applications in Azure when network configuration parameters are modified - add 'Hitless update' checkbox to 'Update' dialog for Mediant VE and CE applications; 'hitless' mode minimizes service impact but may take significantly more time to complete - add 'Graceful timeout' parameter to 'Update' dialog for Voice.AI Connect application that specifies timeout in seconds for graceful lock during 'update' operation; use zero (0) value, if you don't care about the service impact and want to apply the changes as quick as possible - implement hitless resize for Mediant VE, Mediant CE and Voice.AI Connect applications in Azure and AWS - allow change of 'sc_ha_mode' parameter for Mediant CE application in Azure - add '--advanced' option to CLI 'modify' command to modify individual advanced config parameters - fix 'create', 'update' and 'rebuild' operations for Mediant CE aplication in Azure when 'main' subnet has internal IP addresses, broken in previous version - print intermediate status while waiting for components to come up 3.1.1 - until now Stack Manager supported configuration of custom security groups via the advanced config parameters that mimic default security groups: ha_nsg_id, cluster_nsg_id, oam_nsg_id, signaling_nsg_id, media_nsg_id, main_nsg_id and voip_nsg_id - new 'nsg_id_*' advanced configuration parameters allow configuration of custom network security groups for specific interface on specific component; syntax for Mediant VE in AWS: nsg_id_ethX = sg-123 or sg-123,sg-456,... syntax for Mediant VE in Azure: nsg_id_ethX = rg1/my-nsg syntax for Mediant CE in AWS: nsg_id_sc_ethX = sg-123 or sg-123,sg-456,... nsg_id_mc_ethX = sg-123 or sg-123,sg-456,... syntax for Mediant CE in Azure: nsg_id_sc_ethX = rg1/my-nsg1 nsg_id_mc_ethX = rg2/my-nsg2 - modification of old '*_nsg_id' and new 'nsg_id_*' advanced config parameters can now be applied via 'update' action without service interruption - rename 'oam_nsg_id' advanced config parameter to 'main_nsg_id' for Mediant VE and CE applications in Azure - fix 'update' and 'rebuild' of single instance / signaling component for Mediant VE and CE applications in AWS deployed across multiple availability zones - remove legacy parameters from stack templates - install NTP client (chrony) on Configuration Manager and Session Manager instances for Voice.AI Connect application - both during initial install and on upgrade 3.1.0 - reverse dependency between EC2 Instances and Elastic IPs for newly deployed Mediant VE, Mediant CE and Voice.AI Connect stacks in AWS environment to overcome 'instance is not in a valid state' errors during stack creation; to restore old behavior use the following advanced config parameter: eip_depends_on_instance = disable - add 'secure' flag to session cookie when 'Enforce HTTPS' global configuration parameter is enabled - new 'nat_ip_*' advanced config parameters for Mediant CE in AWS, Azure and Google Cloud enable configuration of custom entries in NAT translation tables; syntax: nat_ip__ethX = where: is 'sc' or 'mc-X' is comma-separated list of IP addresses e.g.: nat_ip_sc_eth1 = nat_ip_mc-1_eth1 = nat_ip_mc-2_eth1 = - the parameter may be useful for deployments where public IP addresses are provided by external firewall / NAT gateway, and not attached directly to the VMs - if single IP address is provided, it's configured: - for Azure, Google Cloud and multi-zone AWS deployments - for primary address, e.g. eth1 - for single-zone AWS deployments - for first "usable" address, e.g. eth1:1 - if multiple IP addresses are provided (as comma-separated list) they are configured for additional/secondary addresses; you may leave irrelevant list elements empty, e.g. the following: nat_ip_mc-1_eth2 = ,, configures NAT translation for mc-1 on eth2:1 and eth2:2 - modification of 'nat_ip_*' parameters should be followed by 'update' action that performs configuration update for signaling components and rebuilds corresponding media components - trigger update upon change of 'public_ip_*' advanced config parameters for Mediant VE and CE in Google Cloud - fix configuration of NAT Translation table for Mediant CE in Azure for secondary private IP addresses that reside behind Internal Load Balancer - add 'resource_group' advanced config parameter for Voice.AI Connect application in Azure 3.0.9 - fix 'delete' operation for Mediant VE and CE stacks in Azure that use predefined resource group - fix 'update' operation for Mediant VE and CE stacks in Azure that use public IP prefixes 3.0.8 - fix 'public_ip_*' advanced config parameter names in 'Show IP Addresses' output for Mediant VE application in AWS and Azure - add 'virtual_ip_*' advanced config parameters to 'Show IP Addresses' output for Mediant VE and CE applications in AWS - support modification of 'virtual_ip_*' and 'additional_route_tables' advanced config parameters via 'update' operation (instead of 'rebuild') for Mediant CE and CE applications in AWS - fix integration with OVOC (single sign-on) when multiple remote managers are defined 3.0.7 - if some error happens during stack creation in AWS display it immediately and then wait for rollback to complete - experimental advanced config parameter for Mediant VE / CE / Voice.AI Connect applications in AWS reverses dependency between EC2Instance and EIPAllocation objects in Cloud Formation templates: eip_depends_on_instance = enable may be used to overcome 'instance is not in a valid state' errors during stack 'create' operation - stability fixes for Voice.AI Connect application: - fix creation of new stack when 'Management via public IP addresses' is set to 'enable' - fix configuration of front-end SBC when it has public IP address on management interface - fix default instance type for worker SBC in AWS - make Key Pair parameter in AWS optional - support OVOC auto-discover via hostname 3.0.6 - fix management / signaling / media ports display for Mediant VE application broken in version 3.0.2 - fix 'update' of media components for Mediant CE in AWS when versions are used - preserve elements in Load Balancer and NSG configuration that start with 'keep-' prefix during 'update' operation for Mediant VE and CE applications in Azure environment 3.0.5 - fix baseline calculation for versions - add nginx proxy connect/read/send timeout configuration 3.0.4 - add support for Mediant VE HA configuration in 'sbc_config' CLI command - remove 'Choose OS version' question from 'sbc_config' and 'sbc_cluster_config' CLI commands - add /api/v1/template endpoint that may be used to fetch configuration template for new stack creation via REST API 3.0.3 - new 'check environment' operation for Mediant VE and CE stacks in AWS analyzes deployment environment and reports common problems (e.g. lack of EC2 endpoint and NAT Gateway on HA interface or improper security group attached to EC2 endpoint) 3.0.2 - new 'additional_route_tables' parameter for multi-zone deployment of Mediant VE and CE applications in AWS defines additional route tables to be updated with virtual IP addresses additional_route_tables = eth1:rtb-123,eth2:rtb-567|rtb-890 - support configuration of media ports for Mediant VE and CE applications; ports specified during stack creation affect both default Media Realm and network security groups (NSG) configuration; ports modified via 'update' action affect only NSG configuration - support range of ports in oam / signaling / media ports parameters, e.g. sc_oam_ports = 5060/udp,5060-5063/tcp - support IP address instead of CIDR in oam / signaling / media ports parameters, e.g. sc_signaling_ports = 5060/udp/,5061/tcp/ 3.0.1 - new Operator user in Web UI / REST API is allowed to perform most management tasks except for: - new stack creation - stack deletion - stack resize (adding / removing VMs) - change of VM sizes / instance types - changing global Stack Manager configuration - except for his own username / password - and CMP file upload to the Stack Manager - upgrading Stack Manager - allow Monitor user to change his own username / password 3.0.0 - upgrade to new Azure SDK - use Python virtual environment (/opt/stack_mgr/venv) instead of global Python instance - if you've been using "python3 /opt/stack_mgr/bin/" in your scripts replace it with "/var/stack_mgr/bin/stack_mgr" - improve zones configuration for public IP addresses in Azure environment - fix default instance type selection for Mediant VE and CE applications in AWS environment - fix subnets selection for multi-zone Mediant VE and CE in AWS - improve 'scale-out' and 'upgrade' operations for Voice.AI Connect application to prevent service interruption for outbound calls - add support for Debian 12 host OS for Voice.AI Connect application 2.9.9 - fix creation of single-zone Mediant VE and CE in AWS 2.9.8 - fix error handling during creation of multi-zone Mediant VE and CE in AWS 2.9.7 - use latest Docker version for Voice.AI Connect and dockerized Mediant VE/CE applications - install docker-ce from official docker repo on Ubuntu and Debian during VM creation - use docker-compose-plugin instead of standalone docker-compose tool - upgrade to docker-ce during center / session manager upgrade for Voice.AI Connect application - add support for RHEL 9, Rocky Linux 8 and Rocky Linux 9 as host OS for Voice.AI Connect and dockerized Mediant VE/CE applications - fix public_ip_* and private_ip_* advanced config parameters for standalone Mediant VE in Azure - fix 'Show IP Addresses' output for Mediant VE HA in Azure - fix NAT translation table during 'update' operation of Mediant VE in Azure 2.9.6 - add 'getconfig' script to Configuration Manager VM for Voice.AI Connect application on initial install and version upgrade 2.9.5 - fix 'rebuild' operation for Mediant VE and CE in AWS that sometimes failed with 'unresolved condition dependency' error 2.9.4 - simplify Mediant VE HA in Azure provisioning by configuring specific application type (control / media) for network interfaces; note that due to SBC software limitation this configuration is applied only to interfaces provisioned during stack creation; interfaces added later, via 'modify' action, will still have control+media app-type; if you want to restore old behavior (use control+media application type for all interfaces), specify the following in advanced config: app_types = disable - support deployment of Mediant VE HA in Azure without HA subnet - HA traffic flows via 3rd IP address on 'main' subnet (eth0:2) - enables use of small VMs with 2 NICs (DS1_v2, DS2_v2, D2ds_v5, D4ds_v5) for typical HA setups - requires SBC version 7.4.500 or later - support deployment of Mediant VE and CE in AWS across two different availability zones - communication with external entities is performed via Elastic IPs - communication with internal entities is performed via Virtual IPs, that are manually "plugged" into the AWS Routing Table - requires two sets of subnets and different IAM role - refer to "Mediant VE / CE for AWS Installation Manual" for details - requires SBC version 7.4.500 or later - list all modified parameters that are pending 'update' to be applied in 'modify' action summary - improve progress indicator for 'rebuilding Azure network configuration' stage in 'update' action for Mediant VE and CE in Azure - compatibility with Voice.AI Connect version 3.14 and later: - migrate users during upgrade from earlier version - create super-admin user during initial installation 2.9.3 - support more than 8 IP addresses per NIC on media components for Mediant CE application in Azure; new number of supported addresses is limited by capacity of the following SBC configuration tables: - NATTranslation - up to 32 entries - RemoteInterfaces - up to 64 entries 2.9.2 - fix pending operations for Voice.AI Connect application - fix installation on RHEL 8 and Amazon Linux 2 2.9.1 - add stack name auto-completion in CLI - fix bug in 'show-ips' CLI command - improve configuration of worker SBCs for Voice.AI Connect application 2.9.0 - add 'Advanced config' section to 'show-ips' command output for Mediant VE and CE applications in Azure and AWS to simplify stacks migration 2.8.9 - support 'sbc_version' advanced config parameter during upgrade from CentOS 6 to CentOS 8 2.8.8 - fix signaling components rebuild for Mediant CE in Azure that sometimes failed with 'ZonesCannotBeModified' error - fix network configuration updates for Mediant VE and CE in AWS that sometimes failed with 'eni-xyz in use' error - fix image update for Mediant VE and CE in AWS - fix error while viewing shelved Mediant CE in AWS 2.8.7 - fix network configuration update of Mediant VE in Azure - fix validation check for network configuration update of Mediant VE and CE - fix IPv6 deployment of containerized Mediant CE in Azure 2.8.6 - fix deployment of Mediant VE HA in Azure when 'oam_ip = internal' parameter is specified - add support for multiple public IP addresses on the same network interface for Mediant VE HA in Azure - fix configuration of pre-defined public IP addresses for Mediant VE HA in Azure - public_ip_ethX specifies public IP addresses assigned to load balancer; if multiple IPs are used, multiple values may be specified separated by comma, e.g.: public_ips = main:2 public_ip_eth1 = rg/ip1,rg/ip2 - public_ip_sbc-1_X, public_ip_sbc-2_X specifes public IP addresses assigned directly to VMs; keep in mind that for each "logical" public IP address two network interfaces are created: first one behind the load balancer (used for management/signaling) and the second one not(used for media); public IP addresses are attached to each VM for all "media" interfaces and for secondary "signaling" interfaces (because Azure LB is not performing outbound NAT translation for them); therefore total number of public IPs attached to VMs is (N*2-1) where N is number of "logical" public IPs. for example for the following configuration: public_ips = main:2 three public IPs will be attached to each VM and they can be specified as comma-separated list: public_ip_sbc-1_eth1 = rg/ip1,rg/ip2,rg/ip3 public_ip_sbc-2_eth1 = rg/ip4,rg/ip5,rg/ip6 - add 'Use private IP for management' checkbox to create stack dialog in Web interface that configures 'oam_ip' parameter - implicitly configure additional IP address on main interface when 'oam_ip = internal' parameter is specified - add support for 'oam_ip = internal' parameter for Mediant VE and CE applications in AWS - add support for 'oam_ip = internal' parameter for non-HA configurations of Mediant VE application in AWS, Azure and Google Cloud - improve modify of 'sc_ini_params' advanced config parameter - sometimes the update can be done via incremental INI file instead of rebuild 2.8.5 - fix max_pps_limit defaults for c5n / m5n / r5n instances in AWS and Dds_v5 instances in Azure - add 'center_disk_size' advanced config parameter for Voice.AI Connect application in AWS - trigger update upon change of 'public_ip_prefix_*' advanced config parameters for Mediant VE and CE in Azure 2.8.4 - improve 'heal' operation for Mediant VE and CE in Azure - support Dds_v5 instances in Azure for SBC version 7.4.400 and later - add 'Deployment topology' and 'Zones' parameters to create dialog for Mediant VE and CE in Azure - display 'availability_zones' parameter in Advanced Config for Mediant VE and CE in Azure - new Windows Server application in Azure - installs Windows server with common utilities used for SBC troubleshooting (Syslog Viewer, INI Editor, Chrome, PuTTY, WinSCP, etc) 2.8.3 - fix configuration of user-defined private IP addresses for signaling components of Mediant CE in Azure 2.8.2 - fix active/standby detection for Mediant VE in Azure - use IMDSv2 by default in AWS environment for version 7.4.400 or later - new 'SBC version' parameter in Mediant VE and CE stack creation dialog enables choosing specific SBC version during new stack deployment - improve 'upgrade' operation for Mediant VE and CE - trigger update upon change of 'public_ip_*' advanced config parameters for Mediant VE and CE in AWS and Azure - normalize 'public_ip_*' and 'private_ip_*' advanced config parameters during 'modify' operation for Mediant VE and CE - new 'send INI file' operation for Mediant VE and CE - experimental support for multi-zone HA deployment topology on AWS (requires 7.4.500 SBC version that is currently in development) 2.8.1 - improve Mediant VE, Mediant CE and Voice.AI Connect applications in Google Cloud - add firewall rules configuration as part of stack creation - add 'Management ports' and 'Signaling ports' parameters for Mediant VE and Mediant CE - fix frontend SBC configuration for Voice.AI Connect in all environments - if primary interface (e.g. 'eth0') has public IP: - if additional interface (e.g. 'eth1') exists - assume that 'eth1' is 'main' interface (used for communication with VAIC components) and 'eth0' is 'public' interface (used for communicaton with external SIP entities) - if primary interface has additional IP address (e.g. 'eth0:1') - assume that 'eth0:1' is 'main' interface and 'eth0' is 'public' interface - otherwise assume that 'eth0' is 'main' interface - if additional interface (e.g. 'eth1') exists - assume that it's 'public' interface - fix calculation of 'main_ip' in all topologies - make 'Key pair' optional in AWS environment - add 'Management via public IPs' parameter during Voice.AI Connect stack creation 2.8.0 - speed up 'update' and 'rebuild' operations for Mediant CE's media components in AWS - improve 'show' operation for Mediant CE in AWS by reducing number of AWS API calls - fix retry of incremental INI file upload for SBC versions 7.4.250 and later (that respond with 400 instead of 409) - fix 'update' operation for Mediant VE HA in Azure that created wrong public IP addresses - improve 'heal' operation for Mediant VE/CE in Azure: check network interfaces for missing private/public IP addresses - improve 'shelve' operation for Mediant VE/CE in Azure and AWS: - delete public IP addresses - controlled via 'Delete Public IPs During Shelve' global configuration parameter (default=disable); may be also customized per-stack via 'shelve_delete_ips = enable/disable' advanced config parameter - change remaining disks type to Standard_HDD (for Azure only) - make 'shelve/unshelve' operations available for Mediant VE non-HA in Azure and Mediant VE in AWS - fix display of long strings in Web interface - add 'Default Instance Types' global configuration parameter - fix default instance types for Mediant VE/CE in AWS - include stack descriptors in OVOC backup/restore - new configuration parameter 'Automatic healing interval' for all applications configures interval between subsequent automatic healing attempts; default: 10 min 2.7.9 - change 'public_ips' default from 'all' to 'main' - add default entries to AccessList table for Mediant VE/CE in Azure and Google Cloud to whitelist traffic from Load Balancers - improve LiveHUB automation by adding 'sc_ini_params', 'sbc_ini_config', 'center_env_vars' and 'sm_env_vars' advanced config parameters to 'update' operation - support Azure Application Insights authentication via Azure AD - experimental support for accelerated networking for Mediant VE/CE in Azure (requires SBC version 7.4.400 that will be released in Q1/23) 2.7.8 - better fix for 'public IP zone' error during 'update', 'rebuild', 'heal' and 'unshelve' operations for Mediant CE/CE in Azure 2.7.7 - fix 'public IP zone' error during 'update', 'rebuild', 'heal' and 'unshelve' operations for Mediant CE/CE in Azure introduced in 2.7.5 due to switch to latest ARM template API version - improve 'rebuild' and 'unshelve' operations for Mediant CE in Azure 2.7.6 - use 'securestring' for passwords in Azure deployment templates - add tags to volumes for Mediant VE in AWS 2.7.5 - improve 'upgrade' operation for Voice.AI Connect application - lock session managers during hitless upgrade - requires VAIC version that supports /admin REST API on session managers - session managers must be reconfigured to apply bearer token - in AWS/GCP environments NSG/firewall rules must be modified to allow TCP traffic from stack manager VM to port 8080 on session managers - improve 'heal' operation for Voice.AI Connect application - check SBC and session manager admin states and unlock them if needed - lock SBC instances / session managers during 'reconfigure' operation for Voice.AI Connect application - remove restrictions on CMP URLs during upgrade - new experimental advanced config parameters for Mediant CE and VE applications in Azure: - sc_ipv6 = | : | :| - mc_ipv6 = same as above - ipv6 = same as above (for Mediant VE) define list of interfaces on which IPv6 addresses are created is interface name - ethX - or subnet name - main|additionalX is IP address number starting from 1 when only is specified this is equivalent to :2 - i.e. first secondary IP address will be of type IPv6; keep in mind that secondary addresses must be explicitly created via sc/mc_additional_ips parameters; you also need SBC version that supports IPv6 addresses - and currently (Nov'22) only docker deployment mode does that - fix 'resize' operation in AWS environment 2.7.4 - fix use of pre-defined IP addresses for Mediant VE application in Azure - fix hostname configuration for Mediant VE HA application in Azure - public_ip_* and private_ip_* advanced config parameters now support underscore instead of dash in component name - update SBC worker configuration for Voice.AI Connect application - add 'Virtual Network' to Mediant VE and CE application's Web UI 2.7.3 - fix rebuild of Mediant VE and CE stacks in AWS when multiple public IP addresses are attached to the same network interface - fix creation of Mediant VE and CE stacks with OS version 6 in AWS - add script for generating debug file - use it like this: sudo /opt/stack_mgr/ - add 'center_tags', 'sbc_tags', 'sm_tags' and 'common_tags' advanced config parameters for Voice.AI Connect application ('common_tags' is for AWS only); syntax: - for AWS and Azure - comma-separated list of name=value pairs - for Google - comma-separated list of tags - reduce Azure password complexity check to 8 characters 2.7.2 - support Mediant VE HA deployment in Azure via Web UI - new advanced config parameter for Mediant VE and CE applications: ini_incremental = SyslogServerIP =\nEnableSyslog = 1 specifies incremental INI file that will be sent to the stack after it's creation - add snapshot creation for Mediant VE application - improve display of advanced config parameters in Web UI - add support for session manager's CPU and Calls Utilization for Voice.AI Connect application 2.7.1 - new advanced config parameters for Voice.AI Connect application allow customers to pre-create 'center' instance and specify its API endpoint and credentials: center_base_url = https://fqdn center_token = 123456 such customers are also expected to use sm_env_vars advanced config parameter to specify MONGODB_HOST parameter for session managers - configure diagnostics storage accounts in Azure to minimum TLS version 1.2 - add ENABLERPORT configuration parameter for Mediant CE in Azure - improve error handling during 'update' operation for Mediant CE application - block 'resize' operation in Azure environment that requires instance rebuild - improve AWS platform detection in install script 2.7.0 - improve hitless upgrade mode for Voice.AI Connect application - fix update of NAT translation table for Mediant VE application in AWS and Google Cloud 2.6.9 - add 'Show IP Addresses' for Voice.AI Connect application - add hitless upgrade mode for Voice.AI Connect application - improve Web access control implementation - new 'optional' value for 'Azure Login' global configuration parameter allows interactive login via both Azure Active Directory and local credentials; note that REST login via local credentials is supported even when Azure Login == 'enable' as long as local credentials are defined 2.6.8 - improve 'rebuild', 'update' and 'heal' operations for Mediant VE and CE stacks in AWS - stability and robustness fixes for Voice.AI Connect application - new 'oam_ip' advanced config parameter for Voice.AI Connect application specifies IP addresses used by Stack Manager to manage deployed instances oam_ip = public - use public IP addresses oam_ip = internal - use internal IP addresses (default) - improve error handling for Google Cloud - support for online networking configuration for SBC version 7.4.300 - new 'imds' advanced config parameter configures AWS instance meta-data service version for Mediant VE/CE and Voice.AI Connect applications in AWS imds = v2 - enforce IMDSv2 imds = v1 | any | - allow both IMDSv1 and IMDSv2 (default) change of the parameter requires 'update' operation instead of 'rebuild' (note that current AWS marketplace version 7.4.250 does not support IMDSv2 hence you shouldn't specify this parameter during stack creation) - improve 'upgrade' operation for docker deployment of Mediant VE/CE - use private IP addresses for signaling components upgrade - allow upgrade even if SBC software is not properly running - verify that new version's flavor matches the currently installed one (this can be overriden by capitalizing flavor name - e.g. "Debian11") - check validity of new image (requires installation of "boto3" library via "sudo -i; pip3 install boto3") - support upgrade to private Jenkins build by specifying build ID (e.g. "130995-6") instead of version - add support for Ubuntu 22.04 host OS for VAIC application - add validation for private_ips_* advanced config parameters for Mediant VE/CE applications in AWS 2.6.7 - relax password complexity check for Azure environment 2.6.6 - add support for Voice.AI Connect application in Google Cloud - bug fixes for Voice.AI Connect application - configure global direct media mode for Mediant CE application without media components - add link to online documentation - add username / password complexity check for Azure environment 2.6.5 - experimental support for HA deployment of Mediant VE in Azure environment (requires SBC version 7.4.300 or later; not exposed via GUI in the meantime) - add the following advanced config parameters for Mediant VE application in Azure: availability_zones, diag_account, oam_ip, resource_group, use_availability_set, use_proximity_placement_group - bug fixes for Mediant VE and CE applications in Azure 2.6.4 - new advanced config parameters for Voice.AI Connect application: frontend_proxyset_name = Vaic_PS specifies name of the proxy-set on frontend SBC that will be updated with Voice.AI Connect worker SBC IP addresses upon initial configuration and scale-out/scale-in; if not specified 'vaic' proxy-set is used frontend_transport_type = udp|tcp|tls specifies transport type used for communication between frontend SBC and Voice.AI Connect worker SBCs 2.6.3 - fix bug in 'modify' operation via CLI introduced in last update 2.6.2 - add support for 'sbc_version' advanced config parameter for Mediant VE application in AWS and Azure - improve support for 'failed' VM state in Azure for Mediant VE application: - media components created in 'failed' state (during initial stack create or resize operations) are not deleted and corresponding operation is considered successful - heal operation will attempt to start components in 'failed' state - if scale-out fails to start any media component it will try to find another media component that resides in a different zone or fault domain and attempt to start it instead - improve support for 'failed' VM state in Azure for Voice.AI Connect application: - session managers or SBC instances created in 'failed' state (during initial stack create or resize operations) are not deleted and corresponding operation is considered successful - upgrade / provision / update operations for instances in 'failed' state are "memorized" and performed when they return in service - heal operation will attempt to start components in 'failed' state - during scale-out if session manager fails to start matching SBC instance will be stopped and vice versa - if scale-out fails to starts any instance it will try to find another instance that resides in a different zone and attempt to start it instead - new 'auto-scale-error' alarm is raised when automatic scaling fails to start instances - improve auto-scale logging in activity log - fix reassignment of secondary IP addresses for Mediant VE and CE applications in AWS 2.6.1 - add 'azure_keep_alive' global config parameter that pushes acSmKeepAlive alarm to Application Insights - add 'stop_start_components' global config parameter that adds ability to stop/start individual stack components via Web UI - fix Web UI refresh after operation completion 2.6.0 - add support for up to 8 network interfaces for Mediant VE and Mediant CE applications in AWS and Azure - new eth4/eth5/eth6/eth7 network interfaces are attached to additional3/ additional4/additional5/additional6 subnets correspondingly - specify subnet IDs via additionalX_subnet_id advanced config parameters - if you want to create new stack with more than 4 network interfaces, specify sc_num_of_interfaces/mc_num_of_interfaces/num_of_interfaces and corresponding subnet IDs in advanced config section - if you Modify existing stack, use "Number of network interfaces" parameter instead of sc_num_of_interfaces/mc_num_of_interfaces/num_of_interfaces advanced config parameters 2.5.9 - add 'zones' to Mediant VE application in Google Cloud create dialog - fix upgrade process on CentOS 8 hosts - new 'CMP File URL' in Advanced section in global Configuration screen may be used to upload CMP file to Stack Manager and then "serve" it from there to deployed stacks (as part of 'upgrade' operation) 2.5.8 - fix removal of additional IP addresses for Mediant VE and Median CE applications in AWS - update frontend and worker SBC configuration templates for Voice.AI Connect application - add 'Use bot dialplan' parameter for Voice.AI Connect application - add 'sbc_ini_config' advanced config parameter for Voice.AI Connect application; contains multiple = elements separated by \n that are used to customize SBC configuration templates; currently supported parameters: sbc_env_name=sbc1 - fix calculation of utilization for Voice.AI Connect application 2.5.7 - fix 'update' operation for Mediant CE application on AWS that requires update of media components 2.5.6 - fix 'heal' and 'rebuild' operations for Mediant VE and CE applications on AWS - improve 'resize' operation for Mediant VE and CE applications on Google Cloud - add support for E2 instances on Google Cloud - new advanced config parameter for Voice.AI Connect application: center_env_vars = VAR1=val1\nVAR2=val2 sm_env_vars = VAR1=val1 2.5.5 - fix 'shelve' implementation for Mediant VE and CE applications - improve CMP check during 'upgrade' for all applications - fix 'update' / 'rebuild' / 'shelve' commands for Mediant VE and CE applications on Google Cloud - allow 'heal' to interrupt currently running command - add 'managed_identity' advanced config parameter for Voice.AI Connect application on Azure syntax: managed_identity = disable - disable creation of managed identity managed_identity = rg/name - use pre-defined managed identity 2.5.4 - redesign Mediant VE and Mediant CE applications on Google Gloud: - use backend service based Network Load Balancer (for public IPs) - use shared private IP address for Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancer (for internal IPs) - improve 'heal' operation to re-create load balancer if needed - add support for rebuilding load balancer via 'rebuild' command (use 'lb' for component name) - add support for 'shelve' and 'unshelve' command - add support for 'show-ips' command (for Mediant CE) - rename 'terminated' to 'stopped' in component's state - add 'oam_ip' advanced config parameter that allows to have public IP address on 'main' interface, but use some other internal IP as SBC's OAM (management) IP address; for example the following creates both public (eth0:1) and internal (eth0:2) IP addresses on 'main' interface and configures internal one as OAM (management): sc_public_ips = main sc_additional_ips = main oam_ip = internal you may also move management traffic to additional1 / additional2 subnets by specifying their names, instead of 'internal', for example: sc_public_ips = main oam_ip = additional1 - use 'rebuild' command with 'all' parameter to convert deployed stacks to new format - upgrade via if is not available 2.5.3 - add support for upgrading docker deployment of Mediant VE and CE via debug CMP version - upload the CMP file to Web server accessible by Stack Manager and specify http:// or https:// URL instead of 'version' during 'upgrade' operation - alternatively you may: - upload the CMP file to Stack Manager VM (e.g. via SFTP/SCP) - move it to some publicy readable directory - e.g. /tmp: mv /tmp - make it publicly readable: chmod 666 /tmp/ - and finally specify full path via file:// URL instead of 'version': file:///tmp/ - fix 'heal' and 'show-ips' command for docker deployment of Mediant CE - fix state column display on Stacks page in Web UI - improve Azure App Insights implementation: - align format of reported alarms (customEvents) with the one used by SBC and VAIC applications - name is 'sm_alarm' - customDimensions contains 'name', 'description', 'entity', source', 'severity', 'time', 'id' and 'stack_mgr_ip' elements - align format of reported metrics (customMetrics) with the one used by SBC and VAIC applications - name starts with 'sm_' - customDimensions contains 'entity' and 'stack_mgr_ip' elements - new 'Azure Application Insights Mode' global configuration parameter; when it is set to 'specific' alarms/reports are sent only for stacks that have new 'app_insights' Advanced Config parameter configured: app_insights = enable|metrics|alarms - alarms are sent only for stacks with 'app_insights' equal to 'enable' or 'alarms' - metrics are sent only for stacks with 'app_insights' equal to 'enable' or 'metrics' 2.5.2 - major refactoring of server-side implementation: - new stack_mgr_api service is responsible for running all tasks - all tasks are run in separate processes - to mitigate memory leaks in cloud SDKs (e.g. in Azure SDK) - new auto-job implementation: - pure Python implementation (instead of BASH script and CLI commands) - better timing and handling of multiple stacks - detailed logs in /var/log/stack_mgr/auto_job.log - add support for sending custom metrics to Azure Application Insights - add 'close' button to Web UI operation log when operation is finished - add search bar to Stacks page in Web UI - improve performance of Logs page in Web UI - add support for upgrading Stack Manager to the latest version via About page in the Web UI - add support for allocating public IPs from 'Public IP Prefix' for Mediant VE and Mediant CE applications in Azure via 'public_ip_prefix' advanced config parameter: public_ip_prefix = // where: - is resource group name - is public IP prefix name - is number of IP addresses in the prefix that may be allocated for example: public_ip_prefix = RG1/prefix1/16 multiple IP prefixes may be specified if needed and should be delimited by comma, e.g.: public_ip_prefix = RG1/prefix1/4,RG2/prefix2/8 for Mediant CE application it is possible to specify different prefixes for SC and MC instances via public_ip_prefix_sc and public_ip_prefix_mc parameters - add support for encrypting VM disk with customer managed key for Mediant VE and Mediant CE applications in Azure via 'disk_encryption_set' advanced config parameter: disk_encryption_set = / where: - is resource group name - is disk encryption set name for example: disk_encryption_set = RG1/des1 2.5.1 - fix session timeout handling in Web interface 2.5.0 - fix signaling components resize for Mediant CE on Azure broken in version 2.4.8 - fix 'update' operation for Mediant CE on Azure when 'oam_ip = internal' advanced config parameter is used - add 'update-remote-desc' operation that updates remote stack descriptor (stored on cloud storage - e.g. Azure Blob) with a local one 2.4.9 - fix a few bugs introduced in version 2.4.8: - build / rebuild of media components was broken - Modify button was disabled in Web UI 2.4.8 - improve robustness of create / update / rebuild operations on AWS platform for Mediant VE, Mediant CE and Voice.AI Connect applications - add 'check connectivity' and 'update connectivity' operations for Mediant VE and CE applications - 'check connectivity' checks status of the REST API connection between Stack Manager and the stack and in case it's not working provides detailed troubleshoting guidelines - 'update connectivity' updates management IP address and credentials used by Stack Manager to connect to the stack's REST API - improve robustness of media components upgrade for Mediant CE application - add backup/restore scripts to the Stack Manager installation: sudo /opt/stack_mgr/ creates backup file named in current directory (unless specified is an absolute path) sudo /opt/stack_mgr/ restores backup file - add support for sending active alarms to Azure Application Insights every 10 minutes; configure 'Connection String' in the configuration screen to enable it - update SBC configuration files for Voice.AI Connect application - improve session timeout handling in Web interface - return back to original page after entering user credentials in login page - add 'Failed Login Block Duration' configuration parameter - add Advanced Config parameters for Mediant CE application: - sc_user_data, mc_user_data - specify user-data for SC or MC instances - sc_ini_file_http_url, sc_ini_file_s3_url - explicitly specify HTTP/HTTPS or S3 URL instead of relying on auto-detection of value provided via sc_ini_file_http_url parameter - add Advanced Config parameters for Mediant VE application: - user_data - specify user-data for SBC instances - ini_file_http_url, ini_file_s3_url - explicitly specify HTTP/HTTPS or S3 URL instead of relying on auto-detection of value provided via ini_file_http_url parameter - add Advanced Config parameter for Voice.AI Connect application: - sbc_user_data - specify user-data for SBC instances 2.4.7 - fix scale-out operation in Web UI (broken in version 2.2.8) that didn't properly handle number of media components specified by user - add docker deployment mode for Mediant VE and CE on Azure (for internal use only); use the following Advanced Config parameters to trigger it: deployment_mode = docker docker_host_os = debian11 docker_version = 7.40SS.190.560 docker_flavor = debian11 - improve Advanced Config parameters configuration via Web UI - bug fixes and stability improvements for Voice.AI Connect application on Azure and AWS - add support for Debian 10 and 11 as host OS for Voice.AI Connect application and switch to Debian 11 as default - add 'ssh_key_user' and 'ssh_key_file' Advanced Config parameters for Voice.AI Connect application on AWS; when set Stack Manager will use specified username and SSH key instead of regular credentials to log into the VAIC instances (Session Manager and Data Center) during software upgrade syntax: ssh_key_user = admin ssh_key_file = /home/admin/ssh_key_1.pem - should point to private key file in PEM format stored on Stack Manager VM and readable by stack_mgr user - add 'sm_iam_role' and 'center_iam_role' Advanced Config parameters for Voice.AI Connect application on AWS; when set Stack Manager will assign specified IAM role to Session Manager / Data Center instances syntax: sm_iam_role = SM-ROLE center_iam_role = CENTER-ROLE 2.4.6 - add 'sm_startup_script_url', 'center_startup_script_url' and 'vaic_startup_script_url' advanced config parameters that configure custom scripts that will be run on session manager and/or center instances of Voice.AI Connect application after VM creation; use 'vaic_startup_script_url' parameter if the same script needs to be run on both session manager and center instances syntax: sbc_image_url = sample file content: #!/bin/bash echo "test" > /opt/test.txt - support local files via file:// in *_image_url and *_startup_script_url parameters - support modification of username / password used for managing SBC instances via "modify username / password" CLI command for Voice.AI Connect application - support modification of admin user credentials via "modify admin-username / admin-password" CLI command for Mediant VE, Mediant CE and Voice.AI Connect applications 2.4.5 - add 'sbc_image_id' advanced config parameter for Mediant VE and CE applications; when specified the parameter overrides regular image_id configuration parameter(s); change of the parameter does not imply 'update' operation - instead it is used on next 'rebuild' operation - add 'sbc_image_id', 'sm_image_id', 'center_image_id' and 'vaic_image_id' advanced config parameters for Voice.AI Connect application; if 'vaic_image_id' parameter is specified, it overrides 'sm_image_id' and 'center_image_id' parameters; change of the parameters does not imply 'update' operation - instead they are used on next 'rebuild' operation - add '*_image_url' advanced config parameters for Mediant VE, Mediant CE and Voice.AI Connect applications; the parameters specify URL that hosts plain text file containing value of corresponding '*_image_id' parameter syntax: sbc_image_url = file content: ami-087a7ac1b4d64f8 exact supported parameter names: for Mediant CE application: sc_image_url mc_image_url sbc_image_url for Mediant VE application: image_url for Voice.AI Connect application: sbc_image_url sm_image_url center_image_url vaic_image_url - enable use of Azure Active Directory with VM credentials 2.4.4 - use image from the marketplace that matches the current SC version when resizing (adding new media components), rebuilding, healing or unshelving the Mediant CE stack - add 'sbc_version' advanced config parameter for Mediant CE application that may be used during stack creation to choose specific marketplace image version; e.g. sbc_version = 7.40A.005 - add expiration timestamp to session tokens - default value is 1 hour; can be changed via 'Session Expiration' global configuration parameter 2.4.3 - add 'auto_stop_time', 'auto_start_time' and 'auto_shelve_time' global config and stack advanced config parameters that define time of day when stacks are automatically stopped/started/shelved syntax: 08:00 - time (24h) 1/08:00 - weekday and time (weekday: 0=SUN, 1=MON, ... 6=SAT) 0,1,2/08:00 - multiple weekdays and time 0-5/08:00 - range of weekdays and time 0,1/08:00|2-4/09:00 - multiple statements - add 'stack_mgr_tag' global config parameter that specifies tag that will be added to all created stacks' resources; syntax: = %IP% in value is expanded to stack manager's IP address - fix Voice.AI Connect application behavior when Frontend SBC stack is deleted - auto-configure Azure subscription ID on first start - add validation for 'oam_ip = internal' advanced config parameter - improve detection of 'stopped' stacks 2.4.2 - improve 'shelve' operation - delete public IP addresses of media components - improve failure handling for Mediant CE in Azure 2.4.1 - add 'shelve' and 'unshelve' operations for Mediant CE in Azure and AWS - 'shelve' minimizes stack footprint by deleting its load balancer and media components - 'unshelve' recreated deleted components and restores the stack service - add 'show-ips' operation for Mediant CE in Azure and AWS - remove admin credentials from stack descriptior returned from REST API - when stack descriptors are stored on cloud services - e.g. Azure Storage - also store them under /opt/stack_mgr/data for backup purposes 2.4.0 - fix rebuild of signaling components for Mediant CE in AWS - fix rebuild in HA configuration for Mediant VE in AWS - wait for media components to return to service after their rebuild - use 'Standard SSD' disks by default for Mediant VE and CE in Azure - Voice.AI Gateway and Voice.AI Gateway (All In One) applications are deprecated. Use the new Voice.AI Connect application instead. 2.3.9 - add 'Use main subnet for' parameter for Mediant VE and CE on Azure and AWS that allows to limit use of 'main' subnet for management traffic only (affects configuration of network security groups and Load Balancer) - add 'Management ports' and 'Signaling ports' parameters for Mediant VE on Azure and AWS - increase disk size to 64 GB for Data Center instance for Voice.AI Gateway and Voice.AI Connect applications - add 'volume_type' advanced config parameter for Mediant VE and CE on AWS that configures volume type for VM disks - use 'gp3' volume type by default for Mediant VE and CE in AWS - preserve security groups configuration of network interfaces unchanged during 'update' operation for Mediant VE and CE on AWS, unless 'Management ports' / 'Signaling ports' / 'Use main subnet for' parameters were modified - add support for pre-defined network security groups via 'ha_nsg_id', 'oam_nsg_id', 'signaling_nsg_id', 'media_nsg_id' advanced config parameters for Mediant VE on AWS - add support for Voice.AI Connect application (for internal use only) 2.3.8 - fix rebuild of media components for Mediant CE on Azure - add 'kms_key_id' advanced config parameter for Mediant CE and Voice.AI Gateway applications on AWS 2.3.7 - improve Voice.AI Gateway application on AWS: - 'sbc_num_of_interfaces = 1' configures media latching on front-end SBC - add support for pre-defined network security groups via 'ha_nsg_id', 'oam_nsg_id', 'media_nsg_id', 'signaling_nsg_id', 'sm_nsg_id' and 'center_nsg_id' advanced config parameters - use m5/c5 instances by default 2.3.6 - improve 'rebuild' operation on AWS when network interfaces must be rebuilt or pre-defined IPs are used 2.3.5 - change all URLs to relative paths - fix 'rebuild' operation on AWS when pre-defined private IPs are used - improve integration with OVOC 2.3.4 - add 'os_type' parameter to Voice.AI Gateway application - improve 'list' command for stopped stacks - improve integration with OVOC 2.3.3 - update sbc_cluster_config and sbc_config command - fix 'modify' operation for Mediant CE in Azure when signaling or management ports are changed - initial integration with OVOC 2.3.2 - improve 'show' CLI command output for stopped stacks - improve resiliency of Google Cloud APIs to intermittent errors - fix 'modify' operation output to indicate that 'update' operation is required 2.3.1 - fix admin_password corruption during automatic scaling introduced in recent updates 2.3.0 - fix 'update' operation for Mediant VE and CE in AWS 2.2.9 - improve display and log of modified parameters - add support for 'sc_ha_mode' Advanced Config parameter - add 'reboot' operation for Mediant VE and CE 2.2.8 - add 'Login via Azure Active Directory' functionality - add information about user / api / remote ip to Activity Log - add 'Enforce HTTPS' global configuration parameter - add 'Reset Password' operation for Mediant VE and CE - fix Mediant CE components view for Monitor user - fix internal SC IP addresses for 'oam_ip = internal' setups - improve 'resize' for Mediant VE and CE on AWS 2.2.7 - add support for 'connected (tls)' MC state for Mediant CE application - fix 'update' operation for Mediant VE and CE in AWS that adds pre-defined public IP addresses 2.2.6 - fix 'VM Type' calculation for Mediant VE - fix 'resize' for Mediant VE on AWS - add validation for instance type parameters on AWS 2.2.5 - add 'VM Type' parameter to 'Create new stack' dialog - add 'Image ID' parameter to 'Modify' dialog; the parameter is editable for deployments that use custom (non-marketplace) images 2.2.4 - improve 'resize' operation on Azure to support transition between incompatible VM sizes - e.g. DS_v3 and DS_v4 - that require VM rebuild - fix Instance Type in 'Modify' screen to always display last value configured via Stack Manager - change OS Version default to 8 for Mediant VE and CE on AWS and Azure 2.2.3 - improve Mediant CE in Azure deployment with 'resource_group' Advanced Config parameter - ignore authorization errors at subscription level - add 'cluster_subnet_cidr', 'oam_subnet_cidr', 'additional1_subnet_cidr' and 'additional2_subnet_cidr' Advanced Config parameters 2.2.2 - fix 'upgrade' operation for Mediant CE application on CentOS 8 - add workaround for 'recovery test alarm failure' error during 'update' and 'rebuild' operations for Mediant VE and CE on AWS 2.2.1 - add support for Mediant CE stacks without media components - prevent race condition between 'modify' operation and automatic scaling - remove failed MC stacks when Mediant CE create/resize fails on AWS - impove configuration for Voice.AI Gateway application 2.2.0 - improve 'rebuild' operation for all applications on Azure and AWS - fix 'heal' operation for Mediant VE and CE on AWS when user accidentally deletes EC2 instance and corresponding network interfaces - improve 'show' operation so that it displays current stack state when configuration changes are pending - add non-hitless option to 'upgrade' operation - change of instance type no longer requires rebuild of VMs for Voice.AI Gateway and Voice.AI Gateway (All In One) applications 2.1.9 - add 'auto_start_time' and 'auto_stop_time' advanced config parameters syntax: 08:00 - time (24h) 1/08:00 - weekday and time (weekday: 0=SUN, 1=MON, ... 6=SAT) 0,1,2/08:00 - multiple weekdays and time 0-5/08:00 - range of weekdays and time 0,1/08:00|2-4/09:00 - multiple statements 2.1.8 - add support for pre-defined network security groups during Mediant CE creation via cluster_nsg_id, oam_nsg_id, signaling_nsg_id and media_nsg_id advanced config parameters; syntax for Azure: cluster_nsg_id = rg1/cluster-nsg syntax for AWS: cluster_nsg_id = sg-11223344 - keep customized network security group rules while modifying management / signaling ports configuration for Mediant CE on Azure - improve network configuration update for Mediant CE on AWS 2.1.7 - backup configuration prior to instances rebuild and reuse it when rebuild fails (in the following heal) - wait until HA sync is over prior to starting the scale-in / scale-out - enable debug logs by default - add in-progress animation to status elements in Web UI - support instance type modification for Voice.AI Gateway application - add Advanced Config for Voice.AI Gateway and Voice.AI Gateway (All In One) applications 2.1.6 - add support for CentOS 8 images for Mediant VE and CE on AWS - improve detection of aborted operations for all applications - fix display of stacks with alarms on Web interface 'Stacks' page - add automatic backup of stack descriptors in case they get corrupted / deleted by mistake - add support for customized Host OS for Voice.AI Gateway and Voice.AI Gateway (All In One) applications - improve 'create' and 'rebuild' operations for Voice.AI Gateway and Voice.AI Gateway (All In One) applications so that created SBC instances are automatically upgraded to 7.20VA.260.XXX version - improve 'upgrade' operations for Voice.AI Gateway application so that all SBC insances are upgraded at the same time - add support for Voice.AI Gateway and Voice.AI Gateway (All In One) applications on AWS - show 'stopped' stacks in 'list' CLI command output - add --no-status option to 'list' CLI command - add 'log' CLI command 2.1.5 - fix upgrade from CentOS 6 to 8 for Mediant VE in Azure - redesign stack_mgr_auto job that performs auto-scale / auto-heal - add 'automatic healing' functionality that monitors status of stack components and automatically stops / starts / rebuilds them - add 'sc-ha-alarm' to Mediant CE application - add 'ha-alarm' to Mediant VE application - improve 'rebuild' operation for Voice.AI Gateway application - add 'fe-ha-alarm' to Voice.AI Gateway application - add 'sbc-down', 'sbc-rest-api', 'connector-down' and 'connector-rest-api' alarms for Voice.AI Gateway (All In One) application - fix alarms display on Stacks screen 2.1.4 - fix 'scale-out' operation for Mediant CE on AWS broken in last update - improve 'heal' and 'rebuild' operations for Mediant CE on Azure - improve feedback of 'modify' operation for Mediant VE and CE 2.1.3 - improve 'heal' and 'rebuild' operations for Mediant CE on AWS - improve treatment on intermittent AWS failures for Mediant VE and CE on AWS - switch Azure marketplace image to CentOS 8.2 and use offline installer - improve Stack Manager configuration 'verify' operation 2.1.2 - improve 'update' operation that involves OS version upgrade for Mediant CE on Azure - improve 'rebuild' and 'heal' operations for Mediant CE on AWS, Azure and Google Cloud - add 'modify', 'update', 'rebuild' and 'upgrade' operations for Mediant VE on AWS, Azure and Google Cloud - use combo-box for 'Image' element in Web interface's stack creation dialog on Google Cloud and OpenStack 2.1.1 - configure hostname for Mediant CE on Azure for proper connectivity with OVOC and ARM 2.1.0 - add 'oam_ip = internal' Advanced Config parameter for Mediant CE on Azure to support deployment topology where main subnet's interface (eth1) is placed behind both public and internal Load Balancers and we want to use internal LB's IP address for SBC management; for example, the following configuration: sc_public_ips = main sc_additional_ips = main oam_ip = internal creates two IP addresses - eth1 placed behind Public LB, and eth1:1 placed behind Internal LB - and configures eth1:1 as management (OAM) application type - fix signaling / media ports reconfiguration for Mediant CE on Azure that lacks public IP 2.0.9 - improve error handling during stack creation - if components are created but Stack Manager fails to communicate with them, stack enters 'no-connection' state from which it can be healed - improve transition between CentOS 6 and CentOS 8 images for Mediant CE on Azure - use combo-box for 'IAM Role' element in Web interface's stack creation dialog - fix display of instance type in Web interface - fix parsing of 'resource_group' Advanced Config parameter for Mediant CE on Azure 2.0.8 - add support for CentOS 8 images for Mediant VE and CE on Azure - implement transition between CentOS 6 and CentOS 8 images for Mediant CE on Azure via 'modify' / 'update' commands - automatically accept marketplace agreement during Mediant VE and CE deployment on Azure - improve 'rebuild' operation for Mediant CE on Azure - strive to preserve local IP addresses of rebuild components - improve Mediant CE on AWS creation / resize - if AWS fails to create MC instance due to intermittent datacenter failure, retry creation 3 more times - use placement group for Mediant VE on AWS - add 'diag_account = rg/name' Advanced Config parameter for Mediant CE on Azure that enables use of existing storage account for diagnostics purposes 2.0.7 - fix 'Save' button being turned on in SBC Web interface after new stack deployment - improve 'Create new stack' user interface - improve security groups configuration for Mediant CE on Azure - improve 'update' operation for Mediant CE on Azure - improve 'upgrade' operaion for all Mediant CE and Voice.AI Gateway applications so that it falls back to non-hitless upgrade if hitless upgrade is not supported - fix 'rebuild' operation for Voice.AI Gateway application so that it generates new configuration for SBC components - add 'reconfigure' operation for Voice.AI Gateway application that regenerates configuration of SBC components without rebuilding them - fix 'heal' operation for Voice.AI Gateway application so that it stops worker instances running by mistake - add transfer support to Voice.AI Gateway application - add active alarms mechanism for Voice.AI Gateway application; the following alarms are implemented: - fe-rest-api alarm is raised when Stack Manager can't read status of frontend SBC via REST API - fe-X-down alarm is raised when one of the frontend SBCs is down - center-down alarm is raised when data center is down - center-rest-api alarm is raised when Stack Manager can't connect to data center via REST API (to read status of session managers) - sbc-X-down alarm is raised when one of the worker SBCs is down - sbc-X-rest-api alarm is raised when Stack Manager can't read status of worker SBC via REST API - sm-X-down alarm is raised when one of the worker session managers is down - sm-X-missing alarm is raised when worker session manager is missing in data center REST API response - add Public IPs configuraton to 'Voice.AI Gateway (All In One)' application 2.0.6 - fix 'update' command for Mediant CE on Google Cloud 2.0.5 - fix rebuild of signaling component for Mediant CE on Azure 2.0.4 - add support for Additional 1 and 2 subnets for Mediant CE and VE on Google Cloud; due to the GCP limitations interfaces connected to these subnets may have only private IP addresses - allow modification of network configuration parameters for Mediant CE on Google Cloud - implement 'rebuild' operation for Mediant CE on Google Cloud - improve 'rebuild' operation for Mediant CE on AWS and Azure - improve 'update' operation for Mediant CE on AWS, Azure and Google Cloud - improve 'heal' operation for Mediant CE on AWS, Azure and Google Cloud - blacklist IPs after multiple failed login attempts - add HTTP security headers 2.0.3 - fix deployments in Google Cloud broken in last version 2.0.2 - add active alarms mechanism for Mediant VE and CE stacks - Active Alarms are shown in Mediant VE/CE detailed status screen and in 'show' command - Stacks screen shows brief Alarms summary - alarms raise/clear is recorded in Activity Log - in order to prevent false alarms, most of the alarms are raised only after the problem persists for 5 minutes - the following alarms are implemented: - rest-api alarm is raised when Stack Manager can't read status of Mediant VE/CE via REST API - mc-status alarm is raised when Stack Manager can't read status of Mediant CE's media components via REST API - mc-X-down alarm is raised when media component mc-X is not in service (alarm description provides detailed mc state) - mc-X-missing alarm is raised when media component mc-X is missing from Mediant CE's configuration and Stack Manager can't fix it - sc-X-down alarm is raised when signaling component sc-X is down - allow modification of network configuration parameters for Mediant CE on Azure - new syntax for public_ips and additional_ips parameters - use subnet name (main/additional1/additional2) instead of interface name (ethX), or 'all' to specify all interfaces for example: sc_public_ips = main,additional1 mc_additional_ips = additional1:2 - parameters oam_subnet_id, signaling1_subnet_id, signaling2_subnet_id, media1_subnet_id and media2_subnet_id are replaced by new main_subnet_id, additional1_subnet_id and additional2_subnet_id parameters; to specify different additional subnets for signaling and media components use the following syntax: additional1_subnet_id = , - add Advanced Config parameters to Mediant CE detailed status screen and Modify dialog - new 'comments' parameter for Mediant CE - you can put in it free textual description (e.g. who uses this stack) - check resource group existence prior to deployment in Azure - improve 'heal' operation on AWS when both SCs are rebuilt - improve 'update' operation for Mediant CE when media component instance or profile are changed - add 'spot_instances = enable' advanced config parameter for Azure (for test environments) - fix 'update' operation for Mediant CE stacks in AWS created by earlier stack_mgr versions - improve error handling - add support for 'Voice.AI Gateway (All In One)' application (for internal use only) 2.0.1 - add 'Public IPs' to the create stack dialog in Web interface - add support for multiple public IPs via sc_public_ips, mc_public_ips and public_ips advanced config parameters, e.g.: sc_public_ips = eth1:2 - two public IPs on eth1 sc_public_ips = eth1:2,eth2 - two public IPs on eth1 and one on eth2 - add support for multiple public IPs and additional private IPs on the same interface - fix 'heal' and 'rebuild' operations when both signaling components need to be rebuilt - fix 'heal' operation when all components need to be rebuilt 2.0.0 - switch to new Azure Python SDK - improve 'rebuild' operation for Mediant CE application - remove Zones element from Mediant CE create dialog on Azure - add support for --ids parameter to 'scale-out' operation - expose scale in/out --ids parameter in Web interface - improve protection from concurrent operations - improve display of stack in 'error' state - improve 'stopped' state to detect VMs stopped outside Stack Manager - add operation result to Activity Log - fix bug in auto_scale/auto_heal log file rotation - additional bug fixes 1.9.9 - fix bugs introduced in version 1.9.8 1.9.8 - fix compatibility with azure v5.0.0 meta-package deprecation - improve components status display 1.9.7 - remove support for China / German Azure clouds because Mediant VE/CE offers are not available there 1.9.6 - prevent media components reboot on Mediant CE creation - fix modify of mc_instance_type - media components are rebuilt with correct PPS settings - add support for US Government / China / German Azure clouds - fix syslog_server update for Voice.AI Gateway application 1.9.5 - allow modification of sc_instance_type/mc_instance_type - allow modification of mc_profile - add indication of modify parameters that require update - improve performance of status display 1.9.4 - add 'upgrade' operation for Mediant CE application - improve components status display - improve failure handling during heal operation - fix syslog_server update for Voice.AI Gateway application 1.9.3 - improve heal for deleted signaling / media components in AWS - new 'rebuild' operation for Mediant CE rebuilds stack components by deleting and re-creating the corresponding VMs; names of components to be rebuilt must be specified as comma-separated list - e.g. 'sc-2,mc-1'; all signaling / media components may be rebuilt by specifying 'sc' or 'mc' correspondingly; - note that even though 'rebuild' operation preserves IP addresses and components' configuration, it invalidates license on rebuilt signaling components - hence it's recommended to rebuild them one-by-one and apply new license after each iteration - initial implementation of /acmng APIs for future integration with OVOC 1.9.2 - improve failure handling during Mediant CE auto-scale and resize - add support for Voice.AI Gateway components status - multiple stability fixes for Voice.AI Gateway application 1.9.1 - fix update after min_mc_num adjustment 1.9.0 - add heal for deleted signaling / media components in AWS - improve heal for deleted media components in Azure - redesign HTTP server logs - add activity log - fix bug in Azure SDK - improve auto-scale logic for scale-in operation 1.8.9 - enable deployment of Mediant CE into existing resource group in Azure 1.8.8 - apply cooldown time to scale-in operation only - request update when min_mc_num is modified to be larger than current size - add validation for min_mc_num - fix syslog_server configuration for Voice.AI Gateway application - deploy Voice.AI Gateway application across multiple zones by default - make scale-in arguments --num and --ids mutually exclusive 1.8.7 - fix auto-scale logic to properly handle failed components - fix timers and error handling in Web interface - fix Elastic IP domain name in AWS - improve Voice.AI Gateway application - add --help and --verify options to script 1.8.6 - fix modify for setups that use capital letters in subnet names 1.8.5 - harden cluster security group in Azure - improve start/stop operation in Azure - fix oam/signaling ports re-configuration in Azure - add support for CIDR in oam/signaling ports configuration - add oam/signaling ports configuration in AWS - add Name tag in AWS to volumes, network interfaces and elastic IPs - improve custom tags in AWS (assign them to all resources) 1.8.4 - add support for Voice.AI Gateway application (for internal use only) - fix Mediant VE stop via Web interface - fix start/stop when some instances are missing - improve Mediant CE delete in AWS - improve abnormal scenarios handling in Azure 1.8.3 - use placement groups in AWS - improve cluster security group in AWS - improve Mediant CE update in AWS - remove disk size from Web Interface 1.8.2 - improve Mediant CE resize in Azure 1.8.1 - fix pre-defined public IPs for media components in Azure 1.8.0 - use single resource group for Mediant CE in Azure - when availability zones are set to 'auto' use availability sets instead - add support for Azure Storage authentication via SAS token - added support for monitor user 1.7.9 - use proximity placement groups in Azure - add custom tags in Azure (sc_tags, mc_tags) - add customization of storage account type in Azure (storage_account_type) 1.7.8 - add support for static private IP for Internal LB in Azure - fix configuration of pre-defined public IPs in Azure 1.7.7 - bug fixes 1.7.6 - fix deletion of stack during creation in AWS 1.7.5 - add 'Update Idle MCs' to Web Interface - add security groups configuration in Azure - upgrade to Python 3 - add support for RHEL/CentOS 8 and Debian 1.7.4 - improve Internal LB support in Azure - add LB ports configuration in Azure - improve AWS and Azure region names in Web Interface - ignore Azure zones not supported in specific location 1.7.3 - add Advanced Config to Web Interface - add support for Internal LB in Azure - add NATTranslation configuration in AWS 1.7.2 - fix Availability Zones configuration in Azure 1.7.1 - fix NAT Translation table in Google - add 've' tag to Mediant VE in Google 1.7.0 - fix Mediant CE creation in OpenStack - bug fixes 1.6.9 - bug fixes 1.6.8 - display status of tasks in progress in Web interface 1.6.7 - bug fixes 1.6.6 - fix MC utilization in Web Interface 1.6.5 - fix nginx configuration on RHEL, CentOS and Amazon Linux - add secure nginx configuration - add support for AWS marketplace image - bug fixes 1.6.4 - change default machine types for Mediant CE in Google 1.6.3 - add Mediant VE support to Web interface - change 'idle' stack state to 'running' / 'stopped' - add stop/start timestamp to 'show' command - bug fixes 1.6.2 - increase heartbeat timeout to 3 sec in Azure and Google - bug fixes 1.6.1 - bug fixes - add About screen to Web interface 1.6.0 - improve performance of Web interface - add Logs screen to Web interface 1.5.9 - add Web interface - multiple bug fixes 1.5.8 - fix REST API for Google stacks 1.5.7 - secure method for credentials provisioning in Google Cloud - provision credentials on MC instances 1.5.6 - fix swapped scale-in/scale-out thresholds in show command 1.5.5 - support for Mediant VE in Google - sbc_config command - multiple bug fixes 1.5.4 - fix forwarding rules configuration in Google Cloud 1.5.3 - add validation for username/password in sbc_cluster_config 1.5.2 - add support for Azure regions that lack availability zones 1.5.1 - add custom INI parameters (sc_ini_params, mc_ini_params) 1.5.0 - add custom tags in AWS (sc_tags, mc_tags) 1.4.9 - add multiple external and internal SC addresses in Google Cloud - add predefined IP addresses in Google Cloud - add custom HA unit names (sc1_ha_name, sc2_ha_name) 1.4.8 - add support for Mediant CE in Google Cloud Platform 1.4.7 - fix sc_ini_file_url processing for AWS S3 URLs 1.4.6 - add --test argument to script 1.4.5 - increase timeout for snapshot creation - add --aws-s3-prefix configuration parameter - improve exception handling in AWS 1.4.4 - fix installation on Ubuntu 18.04 - fix REST API in Azure 1.4.3 - automatically approve Azure marketplace agreement 1.4.2 - add check of Azure marketplace agreement - add /opt/stack_mg/ script 1.4.1 - enhance 'heal' operation in Azure to rebuild missing instances - fix scale-in operation when some MCs are locked - reduce Azure operation timeout to 20 mins 1.4.0 - another fix for NAT configuration in Azure 1.3.9 - add 'availability_zones' configuration for Mediant CE in Azure - fix max PPS configuration for Mediant CE in Azure - fix NAT configuration in Azure (workaround for bug in Azure's metadata service + remote interface configuration) - add snapshot creation for signaling components - improve exception handling in Azure 1.3.8 - fix crash on Amazon Linux 2 1.3.7 - fix 'show --no-status' command 1.3.6 - fix 'show' command for Mediant CE and VE in AWS 1.3.5 - fix 'show' output for Mediant CE in Azure - fix Load Balancer configuration for Mediant CE in Azure (HA mode) - upgrade Python dependencies on installation upgrade 1.3.4 - multiple fixes in HA mode for Mediant CE in Azure 1.3.3 - add support for Mediant VE in Azure 1.3.2 - add support for Mediant VE in AWS - small bug fixes for Mediant CE 1.3.1 - make auto-scale and auto-heal jobs asynchronous 1.3.0 - add support for HA mode for Mediant CE in Azure 1.2.9 - fix sc_image_id for Mediant CE in Azure - revert back to DS_v2 instances for Mediant CE in Azure 1.2.8 - fix username/password configuration for Mediant CE in Azure - add support for stack_mgr deployment of Amazon Linux 2 instances 1.2.7 - multiple bug fixes for Mediant CE in Azure - add support for username/password configuration - switch to D_v2 instances for Mediant CE in Azure 1.2.5 - add support for Mediant CE in Azure 1.2.0 - add support for Mediant CE in OpenStack - bug fixes for sbc_cluster_config in AWS